The zombie outbreak that began Monday at Utah State University is spreading.
Now the human population is
dwindling — and so are the weapon supplies of a local arms dealer.
"It's only been one day and already our store has been a popular scene for humans trying to survive against the zombies," said Tysan Sooaemalelagi, an assistant manager at Walmart.
"It's only been one day and already our store has been a popular scene for humans trying to survive against the zombies," said Tysan Sooaemalelagi, an assistant manager at Walmart.
And for good reason, said
John Tucker, one of the remaining humans.
"Really, your only chance at survival is having a good gun and knowing how to shoot it," he said.

Walmart currently stocks 12 types of Nerf guns.
"The three most popular that I've seen so far are the Maverick, which is a hand gun; the Recon, which is more of a rifle; and the Longshot, which acts as a sniper," Sooaemalelagi said.
But Sooaemalelagi’s personal favorite is the Nerf Vortex, which uses discs as ammunition instead of darts.
“It's supposed to be a lot
more accurate when hunting down the undead,” he said.
Sooaemalelagi is not the only one with a personal preference.
Sooaemalelagi is not the only one with a personal preference.
"I use a Nerf Retaliator that Walmart supplied me with," said Josh Conlin, another human. "I wouldn't be happy with any other zombie-killing tool."
Not everyone agrees.
"There were so many choices that I wasn't sure what to pick,” Tucker said. “But then I saw the Maverick and it just screamed zombie slayer to me.”
Walmart is expecting to see an increased demand for weapons in coming days as the zombie apocalypse encompasses more of USU's student population.
"We'll probably run out of weapons eventually," Sooaemalelagi said. "But we should be able to keep supplying weapons for quite some time.”
That is, Sooaemalelagi
said, “unless the zombies get ahold of Hasbro,” Walmart’s own Nerf arms
UnDeadline reporters Janessa Colton, Misty Inglet,
Anna James, Kevin Meacham and Dawn Otterby contributed to this report.