Thursday, October 11, 2012

With human captain's capture, prey becomes predator

Capt. John Kuhl walked down the Quad at Utah State University on Thursday morning much like he had done since the war began.
But something was different.
With every step he took, blood dripped from Kuhl’s body onto the cement. Half of his face was missing. He had no machine gun. And his military hat was now covered with an orange bandana.
Kuhl was a zombie.
“There were only three human captains remaining for last night’s mission: myself, Capt. Bravo and Solomon,” Kuhl said. “Each of us were leading 10 men into the battle. The zombies were everywhere.”
For the first time since the war began, zombies now outnumbered humans.
“They were chasing us from the beginning of the mission,” Kuhl said. “I led my men onto the gazebo in back of the Biology and Natural Resources building, or the BNR. For the time being, we were safe.”
But the human forces have a leave-no-man-behind mentality — so when another faction of resistance fighters was in trouble, it was time to make a decision.
“Word of Solomon’s group being in trouble spread over the radios,” Kuhl said. “As a group we decided to make a run for it and try to help.”
Kuhl and his men left the safety of the BNR and raced toward the library.
“My men and I were spotted just as we started running,” Kuhl said. “I ordered my soldiers to hide in the bushes since there were too many zombies to outrun.”
The decision to leave the BNR proved to be the demise of Kuhl and his men.
“The zombies swarmed us,” Kuhl said. “The last thing I remember is being on my back and seeing the mouths of the undead feasting on my body.”
The captain is now experiencing the opposite side of the war.
“It’s a luxury to have been a human captain,” Kuhl said. “I share all of my knowledge and involvement with The Horde now.”
Nolan Wilcock served as one of Kuhl’s men for two days before a group of the undead caught him on the way to class.
“Kuhl is a great leader,” Wilcock said, pieces of flesh from his last human meal falling out of his mouth as he spoke. “I am glad we are back on the same side of this war again. For the winning side.”
In addition to Wilcock, Kuhl captained many other humans who are now members of The Horde.
Jorri Falslev and Cody Patterson fought with Kuhl as humans before being turned into undead.
“It’s great he is a zombie now,” Falslev said. “He has so much information to share about the human strategies.”
Many who once fought alongside Kuhl as humans are now eager to hunt with him as members of The Horde.
“The Horde is all on the same page,” Patterson said. “There is only one thing on our minds: consuming as much human blood and brains as we can get.”
Kuhl captained a human unit for nearly four days before getting caught. Now he shows no sympathy for the living.
“I used to be the hunted,” Kuhl said. “Now I am the hunter. I like it that way.”
UnDeadline reporters Michael Royer, Becca Golver, Paul Christiansen, Jessica Wardell and Joseph Meadows contributed to this report.