With the human death toll rising every hour on the Utah State University campus, a young zombie, after being selectively chosen by death captains, has become a major force for the zombie horde.
The former human, James Kellmer first encountered the death captains before the apocalypse. He was working with a group called The Human Resistance, which plans attacks and safety strategies against zombies.
The death captains invaded their meeting and Kellmer was forced to submit his human life.
Now leading the death toll for the zombies with 14 deaths this week, Kellmer has also been chosen to be the zombie’s newest death captain.
Before the apocalypse, Kellmer said, he was paralyzed with fear. “I knew I wasn’t human for life," Kellmer said. "I was super paranoid, always thinking what I should do. It was haunting,”
After his submission to the death captains, he felt relieved and finally safe. Then he noticed changes within himself.
Since he became a zombie, he said, he’s felt viscous and hungry. He can’t stop thinking about his next attack.
“I became a zombie and all zombies are loyal to the horde,” Kellmer said. “Now I have to be loyal. I cannot show mercy.”
Katie Pontsler, a zombie who Kellmer infected on Tuesday, said she is experiencing similar behavior since her attack.
“I have been insanely hungry since I’ve become zombie. We only have to eat every 48 hours, but that’s not enough, I want more,” Pontsler said.
Her loyalty to the zombies is equally as strong. She is responsible for two deaths since losing her human life.
“It’s an overwhelming desire, I’m always craving brains. I must kill for brains,” Pontsler said.
Another danger for humans is the Original Zombie, a zombie disguised as human. The location and identity of the OZ are unknown, so it can attack humans without warning.
“That was my main fear when I was still human. I did not want to get hit by the OZ,” Kellmer said. “But now I fear nothing.”
Although some humans have sought a truce with the undead, Kellmer believes that zombies and humans cannot live in peace with each other. He said his new urges are too fierce to sympathize with human life.
“When zombies take over the entire planet, they can be our slaves,” Kellmer said.
And Kellmer said he is proud of his role in that revolution.
“I will be rookie of the year,” he said.
UnDeadline reporters Elisabeth Gee, Mina Sayer, Branson Smith, William Christensen and Bennett Purser contributed to this report.