Saturday, November 9, 2013

Original zombie was undercover as member of human resistance

Original zombie Dylan Jones was undercover
as a member of the human resistance.
Original zombie Dylan Jones was undercover with the human resistance on Utah State University's campus on Tuesday and remained among the living until he was identified as a zombie Wednesday morning.
After being discovered, Jones returned to the zombie horde and joined in the hunt for humans. 

“The OZ made us very fearful because we did not know if the human standing next to us would be a zombie in disguise,” said Jacob Tibbitts, a human squad leader who was infected by Jones.

“What better tool to destroy your enemies than fear of themselves?” asked Coltin "King Omega" Grover, who kidnapped Jones at the beginning of the Fall 2013 semester and trained him to disrupt the human resistance. ”The OZ provided us with vital intel.” 

The original zombie used his position to gain the whereabouts of the human leaders. This information lead to four humans being ambushed, according to Grover.

“He helped plan routes to classes and that is how he set up the ambushes for humans,” Tibbitts said. “He was very deceptive because he was so nice and helpful.”

Jones said he had no regrets about betraying the humans because his role was to take out as many humans as possible. 

“I was trained to do it," Jones said. "It was their mistake trusting me so easily and they paid dearly for that mistake."

After the human resistance learned of the original zombie’s identity, Jones was forced to hunt humans without his cover.

“It was a very lucky guess that got me,” Jones said. ”We were able to kill the guy who revealed me the day after I was discovered.”

Skylar Godfrey, the human who identified the original zombie, said he had his suspicions about Dylan when he saw him conversing with a zombie.

“He decided to go down fighting,” Jones said. “After he was tagged we gave him a public execution at the day mission.”

“I was no longer afraid once I embraced Omega in my heart,” Godfrey said.

Jones said he hoped to turn more humans into servants of his king Omega. 

“We are going to continue to snowball zombie numbers and wipe out humanity,” Jones said. 

UnDeadline reporters Scott Hall, Caroline Peterson, Itzel Leon, Kris Hyde, Madison Maners, Stacey Worster contributed to this report